05 December 2022

Zagreb Christmas party is a blast

Zagreb Christmas party

Beginning of December around 400 employees of Emil Frey Group from Zagreb, Varazdin and Split gathered in Zagreb's Peti Kupe Club for the traditional Christmas party.

It's a get-together with lots of great music and festive spirit; it is also a time when our Heinz Schneiter, Director Central Europe and member of the Emil Frey Group executive board shares the Group's achievements and plans for the future.

There's reason to look towards 2023 with optimism, Heinz said. Automotive industry, a global leader in digital transition, is showing no sign of easing its innovation pace.

Heinz Schneiter

People came in from Zagreb, Varazdin and Split, as the employees of seven Croatia-based Emil Frey Group members, including Autocommerce Hrvatska, C-Automobil Import, Emil Frey Auto Centar, Emil Frey Digital, P-Automobil Import, Star Import and Frey Services. The opportunity was perfect to introduce Emil Frey Logistics, another Group member which was registered just days before the party.

Live music and disco lights added to the festive flavour, together with an excellent DJ and the merry crowd showing some serious dancing talent.

Many thanks to the party organizers from Star Import – once again they went above and beyond to host an experience we'll keep in our hearts and minds for a very long time!

Excellent atmosphere in Zagreb's Peti Kupe Club



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